It seems almost as though the summer just got here, but then on another note it seems like all the parades and marching band was forever ago! Today was a big day in our house. Taylor started his first day of middle school, and Josh started his first day of high school! (holy cow, I am getting old) Of course my photos had to be quick as they are close to too cool for taking photos on the first day of school!
Last spring Josh took his math placement test for this year, and was reccommended by his 8th grade advanced math teacher for IMP2 placement, but missed the score by ONE point. They agreed at the high school to allow him to retake it today, as we didn't want him to be bored in IMP1, as much of it is a repeat of last year. So, Dennis took him early this morning, and he took the test. We are thrilled that after a summer of no studying, he passed and will be placed into IMP2!!!! He did have a few glitches in his schedule that will be worked out today, but is on his way to a great school year! (I think I forgot to mention that he is entering high school at 6 feet on the nose!)
Tay had the upper hand on entering the middle school! He has been there so many times with his brother that he already knows his way around, and knows alot of the teachers! He got into the same "house" as his friend Spencer, which made him extremely happy! I am sure they will both be exhausted tonight!
As you can see, Champ is being spoiled rotten. We decided over the weekend to see how he would do outside of his kennel at bedtime. We he snuggled right in, and now spends the nights on on of our beds!
Dennis and I did have an opportunity over the weekend to go out on a "date". We went and played miniature golf, and then went for nachos and a beer at the local watering hole! The date came to an abrupt halt when Dennis got a migraine, but we enjoyed some quite time together while we could
Fall is definetely in the air. We had some rain, and will only be in the 70's for the rest of the week! Along with spring, this is one of my favorite times of year!